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Vertical Alignment Reflection

    This assignment was very eye-opening to me because it was the first time I ever had to compare similar standards for different grade levels. I realized very quickly how repetitive these standards are and how nicely they scaffold into each other. I was able to see the curriculum flowing from level to level through the measurement and data standards. Students begin measuring in basic units and comparing using bigger and small or shorter and longer then they progress through elementary school and eventually use English and Metric units of measurement to measure things and compare more specifically using the exact lengths.

    The younger grades have a lot of overlap in measurement because they measure in basic units for a few years before they even learn to use measuring devices and are able to compare measurements more specifically. One standard that I don’t think is redundant is the standard for students telling time. In 1st grade, they learn to tell time in hours and half hours In second grade, they learn to tell time on digital and analog clocks. Finally, in third grade, they should be able to tell time so they start learning to measure and estimate time.

    All teachers need to be aware of not only the standards for the grade that they teach but also for the grades above and below. Especially since the COVID pandemic, students are much further behind than they have ever been and teachers need to be aware of the standards their students should have previously learned to make sure they don’t need to be retaught. Teachers also need to be aware of the standards a grade or two ahead of the grade they are teaching so they are able to support and challenge the gifted students.


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